
你的資產比我多 願我的擔憂比你少
如若我沒你重要 未見得開心比你少

你愛惜的比我多 我只像微塵
有損失當我不要 多麼好縮小了的我

我甚麼都不是 我是二等兵士
因國捐軀都難 記於正史
我是九等天使 我做甚麼天都懶知
我甚麼都不是 帶著自己心事
然後便答我 你們再苦也如玩意

你的身份比我高 願我的資質比你低
寧願我是隻白蟻 木屑中開心的吃虧

你的戀愛比我傷 我只像微塵 就算傷口也很細
多麼好縮小了的我 讓痛苦都會很細

我甚麼都不是 我是二等兵士
因國捐軀都難 記於正史
我是九等天使 我做甚麼天都懶知
我甚麼都不是 帶著自己心事
然後便答我 你們再苦也如玩意


我甚麼都不是 我是二等兵士
因國捐軀都難 記於正史
我是九等天使 我做甚麼天都懶知
我甚麼都不是 帶著自己心事
然後便答我 你們再苦也如玩意

2009年3月31日 星期二


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Number 1: To be early is to be on time. To be on time is to be late. To be late is to not show up!

Do not impose your own personal dictates. Be observant. Ask questions.

Always approach a job or project with a positive attitude. Always try to think, “I can do that” or “I can get that done.” This goes a long way to how the rest of your day will go.

Conversely, shouting, cursing, complaining and lewd language are not conducive to a good working environment. These things create tension. Note that we have discharged stagehands for actions of this type.

Do not show up for work under the influence of drugs or alcohol. It’s the single best way to be cut and banned from returning.

Unless specifically instructed, never, ever touch the musicians’ instruments. This is a professional show, not “Star Search.”

You do not need to be accessible to every person you know on a “24-7” basis. Unless you have an impending family emergency, when on the job, turn your cell phone off. This is what voice mail is for - check it and return calls during breaks.

Wear sturdy shoes - and no sandals. When working outside in the sun, black is the worst color to wear. On an all-day show, having an entire change of clothing on hand is a good idea. A sweat towel also comes in quite handy. At the very least, your feet will thank you for a clean pair of socks midway through the day.

And, please - don’t make us have the “Stinky Talk” with you. Yes, it’s often a dirty, smelly job, but don’t start the day that way.